Childhood in color on open-air exhibition in Milan
The non-profit organization SOS Children’s Villages and 10 street artists interpret the colors of childhood on their canvases in an exhibition a stone’s throw from Milan Cathedral. The works will be auctioned on e-Bay and will help support the SOSteniamo l’Abruzzo project.

Thursday, Oct. 1 at 11 a.m. at the Camera dei Notari of Palazzo Giureconsulti in Piazza Mercanti 2, SOS Children’s Villages inaugurates On the occasion of its 60th anniversary, SOS Children’s Villages will inaugurate on Thursday, Oct. 1 at Palazzo Giureconsulti (see agenda) the exhibition ‘Childhood in Color,’ featuring works by nationally and internationally renowned street artists.
Produced under the patronage of the Family, School and Social Policies Department of the City of Milan, it aims to dedicate to children the canvases that reflect and translate into colors and lines the myriad gestures, sensations and emotions that dot the universe of childhood. The canvases will line the walk from Duomo to Via Dante until Oct. 10.
Starting with the opening, the works will be auctioned on eBay. To participate, simply log on to Proceeds from the auction will go to support the SOSteniamo l’Abruzzo project and the activities promoted at the permanent Day Care Center that SOS has opened in San Demetrio Ne’ Vestini, in the province of L’Aquila.